Friday, June 8, 2007

Last Day in Chennai

The Team: Front Row Ted (kneeling) Chanchal (standing) (Second Row L to R) Anil, Subu (Boss of this branch of Birlasoft), Matti, Magesh, Subramani, Tappan, Sundar, Jay, Ramkumar, Jaykumar, Kartik, Rajeshwari, Manjula, and Rajalakshmi.

Anil is off to the Ashram in Delhi and Ted is sitting in my room banging out one last e-mail before he gets on the plane back to the United States.

It was a great day today. We started off with a knowledge bowl to see how well the team retained the education and event requirements we gave them last week. Split into three teams or three or four, they had to answer questions round-robin style. IN other words Team A was asked a question. When they finished Team B could expand on the answer and fill in any holes, and then Team C got to fill in any remaining gaps. And so it went for about 15 questions or so.

"Despite the fact that we were presenting them with the information for the fist time, their grasp of the information was phenomenal. I have come to the conclusion that I am either an excellent teacher or they are excellent students. I am pretty sure it is the latter," says Ted.

And what a competitive group. Anil and Ted told me it would be an impressive display of smarts and cunning, but I had no idea. We could feel the team under the gun strain forward as Anil began to ask the question. Then they would all consider the question independently for a few seconds and then confer in hushed tones to protect their knowledge. The person in the group with the best answer would speak confidently as Anil and Ted judged their answer.

Speaking of teams, we had The Lions (Magesh, Rajeshwari, Subramani), Rock (Mathi, Karthik, Chanchal, Ramkumar) and Masterminds (Sundar, Tapan, Manjula, Rajalakshmi). The Masterminds won it all and have bragging rights for a full year, or until the next time Ted and Anil (and I?) return for more KT.

We awarded small chocolate bars to all in recognition of their performance after the competition, and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

After that bit of fun, Ted Anil and I headed to our last lunch together. We just went around the corner to the Indio-Chinese place and had a relaxing meal where we talked politics and life. I really can't say enough about these two. It's been a real joy to spend the last two weeks with them. It's funny, many times when people travel together for extended periods, they get on each others nerves or grow disaffected. That never happened with us. They are exceptional travelling companions and that's high praise indeed.

Need I mention that we stuffed ourselves.

Actually I do, because an hour or so after we returned from lunch, there was a high tea. More food, more drink, more conviviality. I honestly think my belt groaned a little as my hand raised a savory puff pastry to my lips.

The high tea was one last time for everyone to gather and exchange gifts. We were overwhelmed with the generosity from Birlasoft. Ted and I were given beautiful decorative brass plates and ornately carved wooden vases. Anil was given a statue of the God Hanumanji (two actually, Ted gave him one as well in recognition of all his hard work). And then we all took turns to speak and sing each others praises. It was easy to do. The team has been exceptional. Dedicated, selfless, supremely intelligent and incisive. They really are a model of a good programming group.

Back to Hanumanji. Taking the form of a monkey, he is the God of all powers (willpower, stregth, etc.). He is also the god whom Anil reveres most. It's quite fitting. Anil is the model of will power, wisely made decisions and integrity. I couldn't be prouder of him. I know I will miss his excellent guidance when I am in Kerala on my own. It's been great to have have him here as a sounding board and guide.

After the high tea we packed up, said our last goodbyes and headed back to the hotel. Which is where I sit right now. I may be able to continue the blog from Kerala, but I don't really know. So keep watching, but there may not be anything until my return.

In any case it's been a great learning experience as well as a great adventure. I hope it was entertaining for you. Let me know, if you're reading this today take the time to leave a comment. I have no idea who's out there.


The Plain Jane Food Critic said...

Always entertaining.....

Anonymous said...

Great read, made me laugh out loud--can't wait to hear all the stories. Be safe in your travels.

Bill and Hillary

Unknown said...

I didnt read it until today but sounds fabulous! I, also, cant wait to hear the stories!